Subco Trust

Daycare Services

Day Services Opportunities

We provide culturally and linguistically appropriate information and support for the Asian community. Day Opportunities aims to provide flexible services too frail older people and people with dementia to meet their social, psychological, physical needs, supporting individuals to live life to their maximum potential whilst remaining within their own home and community.

Who is eligible to receive the service?

Day opportunities are for people who have been assessed as requiring assistance and support, such as physical disability, mental health, or dementia. The service is also available to carers to provide them with respite from their caring role.

Additional services:

This service supports individuals who have been diagnosed with signs of memory loss or dementia. Providing support and advice around mobility, exercise, mental stimulation, and discussion sessions. We involve them in Physical exercise, reminiscence, memory games and different forms of therapy.

Key workers:

People who attend day care will be introduced to a key worker. This is the member of staff who will take a particular interest in your wellbeing and will develop a personal plan of support with you that aims to maintain your needs of independence, interests, and hobbies and to enhance your quality of life.

Within 6 weeks of joining us there will be a review meeting to which individuals can choose to invite an advocate or representative of their choice, to discuss how well the service is meeting your individual needs and if you wish to make any changes to your care plan.

Activities & Opportunities:

Activities are an integral part of our service, providing an opportunity for social interaction as well as stimulation and enjoyment. We provide a wide range of activities based on service users’ suggestions and interests. You will have an opportunity to give us your ideas. For some activities a charge may be made. However, you will be advised of any cost in advance.


We collect information about the people we work with for Adult social care services (social services). When using information about you, we will respect your confidentiality and your legal rights under the Data Protection Act. If you want to know more about your rights, please ask at your local social work office. please ask at Adult Social Care at 0208 430 2000 (option 2).

How are the services accessed?

If you feel you meet the above criteria to access ‘day opportunities’ you can call Subco and a member of staff can guide you to get the right support for you or you can phone the local council on: 0208 430 2000 who will carry out an assessment and see if you are eligible for an ‘individual budget’ to attend the centre, and/or befriending at home.

Following the assessment by Adult Services, if it is agreed that you want to come to Subco your details will be passed to us, and we will arrange a home visit with you to discuss this.


Charges for day opportunities vary depending on your Personal Support Plan and the number of days per week you want to attend the services.

If you go away on holiday, we will hold your place open for 4 weeks if you have informed us in advance. There will be a charge for reserving your place with us and this will be negotiated with you.

Reserving Your Place with Us:

We will be able to hold your place for up to 6 weeks if you are unable to attend. This may be due to you feeling unwell, hospital admission, etc. During this period, we will be able to visit you at home or in hospital and provide befriending service and support if required.

Involving You in the Service:

We will involve you as much as possible in discussion and decisions affecting your situation and in planning the services you receive. You will be able to participate in our Service Users’ Forum to give us your ideas.


We will support you to access transport, which is fully accessible. Current costing available upon request.

Costs will be agreed for a full or half day inclusive of transport and escort, subject to a risk assessment and support plan transport, subject to a risk assessment and support plan.